Employee Files Lawsuit against Reading Health System for Disability Discrimination
Luann, a former Intake Specialist, faithfully worked at Reading Health System for over six years. Despite the ongoing conditions of Osteoarthritis in her knee, aortic valve complications, and edema, Luann continued to work, only requiring minimal accommodation.
During the summer of 2015, Luann received notification from her supervisor that she was going to face discipline for misconduct. Luann racked her mind, not knowing what she’d done. Her supervisor informed Luann that she’d left her desk too long and had failed to deliver paperwork to the control desk. Naturally, Luann explained that the medicine for her serious health conditions required her to take multiple bathroom breaks and her knee pain made walking to the control desk especially difficult. Luann requested reasonable accommodation for the first time.
Her supervisor allegedly revised the Final Written Warning against Luann to include ridiculous, insulting claims, like “asking to change the radio station” and “assisting a co-worker without permission.” However, Luann’s supervisor did not give Luann a reasonable accommodation, but rather offered a feigned apology saying, “I am sorry that you are in pain” in an email exchange. Soon after, the supervisor handed Luann a Final Written Warning. Shocked, Luann respectfully explained her disabilities again and repeated her request for reasonable accommodation. Instead of giving Luann a reasonable accommodation, as was Luann’s right, her supervisor allegedly revised the Final Written Warning against Luann to include ridiculous, insulting claims, like “asking to change the radio station” and “assisting a co-worker without permission.”
Finally, during the annual performance evaluation, Luann claims that her supervisor subjected her to overly negative comments. The supervisor’s behavior was unprofessional and out of line, so Luann complained to the HR department. Two days later, Luann was fired for alleged “dishonesty” about how many times she’d called a fellow employee. This reason for firing Luann is so petty, especially considering Luann’s job required her to call many people over the phone every day. It’s obvious that Luann was fired for her disability and in retaliation for complaining to HR.
For the six years that Luann worked at Reading Health System, she was never reprimanded—that is until she requested a reasonable accommodation for her health problems. This behavior is unlawful. No employee should face disability discrimination like this. Even still, Reading Health System denies Luann’s claims. Kraemer, Manes & Associates combats employment discrimination and advocates for the wronged employee.
Full text of this complaint, as filed with the District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, is available at docket no: 1:17-cv-01070-JEJ
Kraemer, Manes & Associates LLC is an employment law firm with principal offices in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, serving all counties in Pennsylvania, focusing on employment law, business law, litigation, and civil issues. KM&A clients include employees, small businesses, parties in litigation, and people with a variety of legal issues.
For more information about this case, contact Attorney Jonathan Chase at 215-475-3504 or at
NOTICE: All information contained in this statement comes from the Complaint which has been filed as a public record with the court. As dedicated civil rights attorneys, we strongly believe in the public value of telling our clients’ stories: violators can be held accountable, and other silent victims can feel empowered to stand up for their legal rights. Although we make every attempt to verify our clients’ claims, note that the defendant is expected to oppose our client’s position, and the court has not ruled one way or the other as of the date of this statement.