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Writer's pictureDavid Manes

Wells Fargo Bank allegedly fails to provide FMLA leave and allows a hostile work environment to fest


Employee Files a Complaint against Wells Fargo Bank for Discrimination

Kionna managed hypertension and anxiety while still performing her job at Wells Fargo Bank. After transferring to another location, Kionna claims her direct supervisor subjected her to inappropriate questions and comments about her personal life with her then-fiancé. Kionna filed a formal complaint of sexual harassment against the supervisor, and he stopped the comments and questions.

But then, the supervisor changed tactics. According to Kionna, he micromanaged Kionna’s work, accused her of falsifying her time records, ordered her to stand in the lobby for hours, and berated her during team meetings. No one else received this treatment. At one point, the supervisor yelled at her for almost two hours for alleged work performance issues. Shaken, Kionna immediately suffered a panic attack, falling and slamming her head against the floor.

Wanting to escape the hostile environment, Kionna applied for a manager position at another location. She was denied the position. Kionna suspected she was denied the position because her supervisor had told the recruiter about an informal write up. Managers are instructed not to bring up informal write ups since they are not considered correctional. However, Kionna’s supervisor allegedly ignored this company protocol to retaliate against Kionna.

Later, Kionna took FMLA leave both for pregnancy and her ongoing anxiety. When she tried to return to work, Kionna claims that Wells Fargo Bank informed her that she was on Unpaid Job Search Leave rather than FMLA leave and deserved no job reinstatement rights. If she didn’t find a new position either within or outside the company, she would be fired.

Although Kionna found an internal job at another location, things worsened. Despite requesting and receiving a Reduced Work Schedule for her ongoing health conditions, Kionna was placed on a performance improvement plan, even though she didn’t exhibit any significant performance problems. Wells Fargo’s actions constitute retaliation against Kionna for having requested accommodation for her disability. Kionna couldn’t catch a break from Wells Fargo Bank so she resigned.

Naturally, Wells Fargo denies all claims. However, no employee should deal with such an avalanche of sexual harassment, retaliation, disability discrimination, and then more retaliation. It’s unnecessary and unlawful. KM&A challenges discrimination and fights for employee rights.

Full text of this complaint, as filed with the District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, is available at docket no: 2:17-cv-01245-MSG

Kraemer, Manes & Associates LLC is an employment law firm with principal offices in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, serving all counties in Pennsylvania, focusing on employment law, business law, litigation, and civil issues. KM&A clients include employees, small businesses, parties in litigation, and people with a variety of legal issues.

For more information about this case, contact Attorney Jonathan at 215-475-3504 or at

NOTICE: All information contained in this statement comes from the Complaint which has been filed as a public record with the court. As dedicated civil rights attorneys, we strongly believe in the public value of telling our clients’ stories: violators can be held accountable, and other silent victims can feel empowered to stand up for their legal rights. Although we make every attempt to verify our clients’ claims, note that the defendant is expected to oppose our client’s position, and the court has not ruled one way or the other as of the date of this statement.

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